Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A quick hello!

what better way to welcome March than with an adorable girl and pastel balloons?

Hello, everybody! Just popping in real quick to give a big, warm thank you to all the lovely ladies who left such sweet comments on my last post. You guys truly lifted my spirits and made me feel cared for and loved. Thank you thank you thank you. While I still have had a few moments of feeling sad and lonely, overall I am feeling much better. It is mostly being busy with work-- a blessing in disguise-- that has kept me away from here. But I can't wait to catch up with you all once I get a bit more time! I have been dying to post my fave Oscar fashions-- you know how I love a good pre-awards show red carpet. So look for that (hopefully) later tonight.

On another note, I can't believe it is March 1! Where is the time going? Well, no use looking back at wherever February went... welcome spring (it is hiding somewhere behind the clouds) and welcome March, my birthday month! :)

Hope you are having a wonderful day! (I just finished my second mug of hazelnut-flavored coffee and a sugar-crusted apple turnover... so other than the deadlines hanging over my head, I'd say I'm doing pretty good :)


Image via we heart it

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to hear that you are feeling better, and that work has kept you busy. I wish I was in Cali so we could go out for a coffee date. That hazelnut one sounds delish!