Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The broken road

Would you laugh if I said I sort of regretted posting my regret post the moment I pushed the publish button?

Seriously though, your comments helped get me out of my fog, my clouds of doom and gloom, and re-realize that the past is the past. There is nothing I can do to change it. And I made the best decisions I could at the time. You just have to keep moving forward and hope those "mistakes" you made will ultimately lead you somewhere wonderful-- somewhere you are meant to be.

I think whenever you are going through some changes-- especially when it feels like maybe the changes aren't "for the better"-- feelings like regret, and yes, sadness, are going to creep in. It is easy to think about the "what ifs" and "what might have beens" when you are not completely happy with where you are-- and when you're not sure where you are going. It is easy when you are feeling down in the dumps to take yourself down even farther by dwelling on things, by beating yourself up emotionally... and that's where I was the other day. It's not often on here that I write out my feelings as I'm feeling them and then open them up for the world to see. But thank you so much for listening and offering reassurance.

You know that Rascal Flatts' song "Bless the Broken Road"? The lyrics to that song are what came into my head while thinking about all this regret stuff. And it gives me hope that no matter how broken the road, you can end up where you are supposed to be. That it is, in fact, the broken road that led you there. To find true love, as the song says, to find passion. To find the job you're meant to be in, the city you're meant to live in.

I am reminded that there are no guarantees in life. We don't know what tomorrow or the next day will bring, no matter how much planning and foresight goes into our decision making. There comes a point where certain things are simply out of our control and all we can do is let go of the steering wheel and choose-- yes, choose-- to enjoy the ride.

So, though it has not always been easy for me to do, here's to choosing to be happy. To letting regret fall by the wayside. To putting one foot in front of the other on that broken road called life. And seeing where it takes me.


Image via i can read


Erin {pughs' news} said...

Good thinking, sweet girl. Choose happiness. Keep your eyes on it, no matter how difficult it gets. Because you deserve the very best. And you've just taken the first steps to get to the place where you will be truly happy.

Helen said...

I know what you mean about regretting publishing some very personal things... but it's so nice to get that support, and I know you agree! Giving you lots of cyber hugs as you move towards a very bright future :)

Phoenix said...

Oh, I love this post! There's the strong and beautiful Carissa I know!

You have such a fantastic, loving spirit... no regrets, hon.